You may have the home, career or outward signs of success, yet feel there’s something more. Or you may be ruffled by circumstances and sense there's a more creative way to respond.
There is, and a Big Stretch will help you find it.

Out in spectacular landscapes, you’ll connect with your passions, purpose and your understanding of the wider world. You'll overturn unsatisfying situations and make choices that fully express who you are.
How do we do this? Well, we don’t. You do. But there are two powerful things to help you.
First we take you walking in some of the most beautiful landscape on earth. You fill your lungs with clear air, your body with good food, and your mind with fresh new perspectives.
Second, we give you intensive coaching that’s entirely focused on you. Working through a creative process, you’ll have time, space and expert support to focus on what's really important. The outcome is clarity, renewed momentum and a plan for what you need to do.
Find out more about The Big Life Stretch - our celebrated one-week mountain retreat in Spain.
If you want to make the leap into meaningful work which makes a difference in the world, consider our sister trip to India: Be The Change Journey.
If you're in the Southern Hemisphere, find out about the personalised one-day intensive Stretch on Waiheke Island, NZ with our founder,and the leadership coaching package on Waiheke.
- I want to make a difference. Yet I don’t want to start at the bottom of a career ladder.
- I’m facing the possibility of redundancy. I want to love the work i do.
- I have an uncomfortable idea my organisation is part of the problem. I want to use our influence for the greater good.
- Can I follow my purpose and passions without giving too much up?
- I want balance. ...or adventure.....or love in my life.
- Success seems to have a price. I have worked hard and achieved much. But somewhere along the way, my bigger hopes have been put aside.
- I want to start my own business.
- I want to prepare for a great retirement
Sounding familiar? That's why The Big Stretch was born.. |