Often we are strangely paralysed when it comes to implementing change. Amidst the doubts and complexity of big decisions, we need provocative questioning, faith in our possibilities, sometimes a kick up the backside. Stretch coaching brings clarity, fast.
You can access Stretch coaching a number of ways:
* personal sessions on life or career matters, at home, in your own time
* a bespoke Stretch for one day on Waiheke Island, NZ or in London parks
* a retreat weekend in Coromandel NZ.
* a leadership breakthrough package starting with outdoor coaching on Waiheke Island.
* leadership coaching
If it’s your personal life that needs new energy, your coach will take you through The Big Stretch process. You look at the whole picture of who you are and what you long for. With strong, regular input, you uncover your ambitions, invent ways to transition, and get practical about pursuing the most exciting options. If you get stuck, we overcome unhelpful habits that are limiting your success. Self-belief grows and we hold you accountable for making actual positive change.

If you want to find work that you love we lead you through The Big Career Stretch, a powerful career change catalyst. Through our proven exercises you uncover what drives you, what difference you want to make in the world, what natural talents you might bring to bear - for these are the ingredients of a meaningful and joyful career. When you've defined the new field and role that will fulfill you, we help you go forth and take your niche.
Our coaches typically work with clients twice a month for four months with structured assignments and e-mail support between. Each session lasts one hour and deals with a specific topic. To get you started, we offer a free discussion. Contact us now to fix a time - remembering Confucius: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step".
In the right thinking environment, it's surprising how many important insights you have, what life-changing decisions you can make in a day.
35 minutes from Auckland, the lush, steep slopes of Waiheke Island look down into clear seas, After a little tailored preparation, you set forth with Big Stretch founder Rosie Walford for one full day of walking and coaching on your private Big Stretch. At certain times of year, Rosie is in London and offers the same experience in London's parks.
You understand your life, career and influence with fresh eyes. You map your values, definitions of success, talents and blocks - and connections emerge. Looking at your place in society, you pinpoint the difference you want to make, the ambitions which have meaning. By dusk, you’ve dissolved unhelpful obstacles (whether inner or external) and reached some inspiring conclusions from an expansive yet grounded state of mind.
You have a consultation session and some expansion exercises before the day and can continue with one-hour sessions afterwards. Read more about why we think better outdoors. Your transport and food on Waiheke are included. . Email Rosie to discuss your needs, and when you might like to begin.
Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver.
Though it’s an alarming change in status at first, we've repeatedly helped people make their redundancy into a positive turning point. After the shock, it can afford you the chance to step back and choose your next direction – one which rewards you not just financially, but through and through. There’s no point in stepping out of the frying pan and into the fire.
Pathfinder coaching will help you explore your possibilities before you get stuck into focused job search. We don't do recruitment or cv writing - but the deeper work that precedes it. You remind yourself of the gifts, talents and reserves inside you – maybe ones you haven’t been using in your latest job. You surface your values and priorities, your potential value in wider society. You uncover fields of interest you hadn’t considered, and how a person of your experience might step (sideways, and creatively) into it. You may emerge with a couple of enticing options you want to research, or a single path you are ready to pursue.If you have ‘baggage’ or lack confidence, our coaches help you put the past behind you so that you don’t let it run your future.
Pathfinder coaching is typically funded by your employer as part of your outplacement package. It takes the form of four extended (75 minute) coaching sessions, and costs £1000. Make contact directly, or ask your employer to contact us.
Those leading others need a coach who can engage with particular issues in a challenging and creative way – right at the interface of personal and professional worlds.
Rosie Walford, founder of The Big Stretch (and formerly director of an international ad agency), has experience at the sharp end of organisational life. Through her work in business schools and with board-members from adidas to the Human Rights Commission, Rosie is well placed to help individuals re-energise as visionaries, whilst staying healthy and strategic.
Nothing is more demoralising than stale relationships, or a team who together are less than the sum of their parts. It's time to adapt for the commercial, social, spiritual and environmental challenges of today.
Coaching is largely by phone or skype, at a pace which suits. For an exploratory conversation, contact us.
“When we quit thinking primarily about our own self-preservation, we undergo a truly heroic transformation of consciousness.” — Joseph Campbell
The one-on-one intensive with Rosie Walford enables leaders to open up to a whole-system vision of their sector, and recognise how they need to lead for substantially greater effect. The work starts with a diagnosis session, which leads into a facilitated two days of fresh thinking outdoors.
You exchange your complex environment for the singular focus of coaching on Waiheke’s peaceful beaches and hills. Our starting point is your integrity, grounded in your values. From here, we look at your professional conundrums. With some pretty incisive prompting, the big forces come into view – connections between disparate elements of your situation, transgressions of leadership values, the organisation’s wider world context and opportunities to create Shared or lasting Value. Where once there was doubt, you 'see the wood for the trees'.
With ruthless compassion (and humour), you're coached to see critical areas differently, to dissolve unhelpful habits, relationships or obstacles in your path. You work the ‘creative gap’ between your higher vision and immediate realities. New strategies are born, decisions are made or pathways defined...ready for tackling with focus and resolve.
Two sessions of follow up leadership coaching ensures that insights convert to implementation and tangible results.
‘Reflective action brings people in touch with other human beings & a deeper purpose in life. What’s really important is that it results in ‘good instincts’. Leaders who’ve tapped their instincts are able to sense the truth amid chaos & make judgement calls with such breathtaking clarity that everyone knows, snap!- that’s it” Brian Bacon, Oxford Leadership Academy
On 7-9 November 2014, there will be another 5Rythms Dance and Big Stretch weekend at Te Moata retreat, Coromandel Peninsula, NZ. Blending expressive 5 Rhythm movement sessions Big Stretch coaching and reflective periods in nature, it is uplifting and active, yet points us to our quiet, uncomplicated core. Walking in the 800 acres of beautiful land, disparate insights have time to integrate into a strong sense of self and direction.
NZ$380 for the weekend, all included. For further details and booking, click Nature Nurture
Email us to arrange a chat about participating in any of the NZ coaching programmes.
Change isn’t an instant process. Any time after a Stretch, you can re-boot momentum in a couple of sessions, or enter into a 3 month programme with your coach.
"The road to success is always under construction." — Lily Tomlin |